
Little brother

little brother is information gathering tool. it is automated information gathering tool and written in python, it manly use for collection of person. little brother persone, username, address, ip, mail, email, ssid, employee, google search, facebook graphsearch, twitter info, instagram info.

who install little brother

using command to install little brother in kali linux operating system.

little brother
git clone

cd LittleBrother

cd LittleBrother

install requirement file

sudo apt-get install requirement.txt

select one

  • 1.lookup
  • 2. other tool
  • 3. profiler
  • 4. change country

1 lookup use for information gathering, 2 other tool it use for other tool, 3 profiler change the profile, 4 change country


  • persone lookup - find a persone details using name.
  • username lookup - find details using username .
  • address lookup - find details of an about address.
  • phone lookup - find details of a phone number.
  • ip lookup - internet protocol lookup.
  • ssid lookup - find details about ssid and using ssid.
  • email lookup - find deatils of email address.
  • mail tracker - mail tracker use for trace a mail.
  • employee recherche - search for a employee.
  • google search - google search results.
  • facebook graphsearch - search details on facebook.
  • twitter info - information on twitter.
  • instagram info - information on instagram.

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