
Understanding Internet Protocol (IP) and Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)

The Internet Protocol (IP) is a fundamental communication protocol that enables data to be transmitted over the internet. It is responsible for routing data packets between networks and devices, allowing them to communicate with each other. However, as data is transmitted over the internet, it is important to ensure that it is secure from unauthorized access and manipulation. In this article, we will explore the basics of internet protocol and security, along with its types and examples.
internet protocol(ip) -ip1jnvkarauli

What is Internet Protocol?

Internet Protocol (IP) is a network layer protocol that operates in the internet protocol suite. It is responsible for routing data packets between devices, ensuring that they reach their intended destination. Each device on the internet has an IP address, which is a unique identifier that is used to route data packets between devices.

The IP protocol is connectionless, meaning that there is no established connection between devices before data transmission occurs. Instead, data is broken down into packets and transmitted individually between devices. The receiving device is responsible for reassembling the packets into the original data.

What is Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)?

Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is a set of protocols that are used to secure data transmitted over IP networks. It provides confidentiality, integrity, and authentication of data packets transmitted between devices. IPsec operates at the network layer, encrypting and decrypting data packets as they are transmitted over the internet.

Types of Internet Protocol Security

There are two types of IPsec: Transport mode and Tunnel mode.

  1. Transport mode: In transport mode, only the data payload of the packet is encrypted. The packet header remains unencrypted, allowing the routing information to be visible to network devices. Transport mode is typically used for end-to-end communications, such as between two computers on a local network.

  2. Tunnel mode: In tunnel mode, both the packet header and data payload are encrypted. The entire packet is encapsulated within another packet, which is then routed through the internet. This mode is typically used for site-to-site communications, such as between two remote offices of the same company.

Examples of Internet Protocol Security

One example of IPsec in action is a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN is a secure tunnel between two devices that allows them to communicate over the internet as if they were on the same local network. All data transmitted over the VPN is encrypted using IPsec, ensuring that it is secure from unauthorized access and manipulation.

Another example is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS), which are protocols used to secure web traffic. SSL and TLS encrypt data between a web server and a user's web browser, ensuring that sensitive information such as passwords and credit card numbers are kept secure.


Internet Protocol is the backbone of communication over the internet, and ensuring its security is critical to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data transmitted between devices. IPsec provides a robust set of protocols that encrypt and authenticate data packets, ensuring that they remain secure from unauthorized access and manipulation. By using IPsec, organizations can ensure that their data remains secure, even as it travels across the internet.

difference between IPv4 and IPv6

IPv4 IPv6
32bit size 128bit size
numerical address alphanumeric address
Binary bit separated with dot(.) Binary bit separated with colon(:)
12 header fields 8 header fields

types of ip address

manly four(4) type of internet protocol(ip) address.
  • Private ip address
  • Public ip address
  • Static ip address
  • Dynamic ip address

Privat ip address

Private ip address is unique assign to each device in internet. any device have ip adress range -
private ip address use for lan network only. private ip address assign by routers, mobile and network translator etc.

Public ip address

Public ip address is aassociate directly with on internet . public ip address assigned by isp(internet service providers)

Static ip address

Static ip address are can't changable ip address. static ip address are use for hosting a website on internet.

Dynamic ip address

Dynamic ip address are change always, do not fix for any device. that ip address assign to mobile, routers etc.

who to find ip address

1. find ip address using search engine

  • open any browser
  • search "what is my ip"

2. find ip address using cmd(command prompt)

  • open cmd
  • type "ipconfig"

3. find ip address from settings

  • open settings
  • go to network settings
  • click on network status
  • click on properties

4. find ip address in kali linux

  • open terminal
  • type "ifconfig"

5. find ip address in metasploitable 2

  • type "ifconfig"

6. find ip address in parrot os

  • open terminal
  • type "ifconfig"

who to find ip address of a website

1. find ip address of website using cmd(command prompt)

  • open cmd
  • type "ping domain name"
find website ip using cmd

2. find ip address of domain using kali linux

  • open terminal
  • type "ping domain name"
  • ctrl+c to stop sending package

internet protocol (ip) books

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