
Understanding Port 113: The Ident Protocol and its Advantages, Disadvantages, and Security Measures

Port 113, also known as the Authentication Service (auth) port, is a network port that is used by the Identification Protocol (Ident) service to authenticate users on a network. The Ident protocol is a legacy protocol that was developed in the early days of the internet to identify the user of a particular connection.

How does Port 113 work?

When a user connects to a remote server, the server can use the Ident protocol to identify the user that is connecting. The server sends a request to the client machine on Port 113, and the client machine responds with the username of the user who is connecting. The server then uses this information to authorize the user's connection.

Advantages of Port 113

The Ident protocol can be useful in certain situations, such as when an organization wants to track who is accessing their network. By using Port 113, administrators can see which user is connecting to the network and can take action if necessary.

Disadvantages of Port 113

While the Ident protocol can be useful, it also poses a security risk. Because the protocol sends user information in clear text, it can be intercepted by attackers who are monitoring the network. Additionally, if the Ident service is not properly configured, it can be used by attackers to gather information about the network and the users who are connected to it.

How to Secure Port 113

To secure Port 113, it is recommended to disable the Ident service if it is not necessary for the network. If the service is needed, administrators should ensure that it is properly configured and that user information is encrypted to prevent interception by attackers.


Port 113 is used by the Ident protocol to authenticate users on a network. While the protocol can be useful for tracking network activity, it also poses a security risk if it is not properly configured. To secure Port 113, administrators should disable the Ident service if it is not necessary, or ensure that it is properly configured and user information is encrypted.

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