
Boolean-based error-based SQL injection attack

 SQL injection is a type of attack that targets web applications by injecting malicious SQL code into user input fields, which allows attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information or to execute arbitrary commands on the database. Boolean-based error-based SQL injection is a specific type of SQL injection attack that relies on boolean expressions to exploit vulnerabilities in the web application's database.

This type of attack is typically used by hackers to bypass login credentials, access sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, or to execute arbitrary commands such as deleting or modifying data. Attackers can also use this method to extract metadata from the database and identify vulnerabilities in the system.

The method of this attack is to inject a boolean expression into a vulnerable parameter of a web application's input field. The boolean expression will evaluate to true or false, depending on whether or not the database returns an error message. By injecting a series of carefully crafted boolean expressions, an attacker can determine the structure of the database, extract sensitive data, or execute arbitrary SQL commands.

To secure against this type of attack, web developers should use prepared statements or parameterized queries to sanitize user inputs and avoid concatenating user inputs directly into SQL statements. They should also regularly update the software and use the latest version of the database management system.

There are two types of Boolean-based error-based SQL injection attacks:

  1. Blind boolean-based SQL injection: In this attack, the attacker can't directly see the results of the attack. Instead, they must infer the results from the behavior of the system, such as the presence or absence of error messages.


Consider a login form with a username and password field. The attacker enters the following username:

admin' AND 1=0--

This query is designed to always evaluate to false, causing the application to return an error message, which the attacker can then use to infer information about the database.

  1. Blind error-based SQL injection: In this attack, the attacker can see the results of the attack, but only through error messages returned by the system.

Example: Consider a search form that allows users to search for products by name. The attacker enters the following search query:

' UNION SELECT 1/0,2--

This query is designed to cause a divide-by-zero error in the database, which will return an error message containing sensitive information about the database, which the attacker can then use to exploit the system.

In conclusion, Boolean-based error-based SQL injection is a serious threat to web applications and can lead to data breaches, unauthorized access, or data loss. Web developers should take proactive measures to secure their applications against this type of attack.

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