
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

tcp is pritical model of osi(open system interconnection) model interconnect two host and exchange information. it is transport layer protocol and it is most useable protocol of internet.

Difference between tcp and udp connection

Transmission Control Protocol User datagram protocol
tcp provide extensive error checking mechanisms. udp only basic error checking using checksums.
acknowledgment segment is present. acknowledgement segment can't be present.
speed of tcp is lower than udp udp speed is faster than tcp
tcp (20-60) bytes variable length header udp have fix header size 8 bytes.
tcp doesn't support broadcasting udp support broadcasting

who tcp work / tcp flags

URP(urgent) flag

Data contained in the packet should be processed immediately

FIN(Finish) flag

There wil be no further transmission

RST(Reset) flag

Resets a connection


Sends all buffered data immediately

ASK(Acknowledgement) flag

Acknowledges the receipt of a packet

SYN(Synchronize) flag

Initiates a connection between hosts

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