
kali linux commands

kali linux commands

update and installation commands

command use
apt-get update update only system
apt-get upgrade update all application of system
apt-get install <deb|application name> install application using name
pkg install <deb name> install package
pkg remove <deb name > remove package

basic command

command use
pwd print working directory
ls list
cd .. back in directory
clear clear terminal
cd <directory name> change directory
top show runing application | tasks
history show history of terminal
cp <file name> <directory> copy file
mv <file name> <directory> move file permanently
whoami about user
date current date

opernations on file and applications

command use
touch file name create a file
rm file name remove file
cat >file name create file
cat file name view file in terminal
ls -l check permission of file
chmod +x file grant permission
chmod -x file remove permissions
./file execute file|application
bash file execute file

operation on directory

command use
mkdir create directory
rmdir remove directory
zip compress files
unzip extract files

linux directory and what type of applications are store

directory what type of application store
/bin basic program
/sbin system program
/etc configuration file
/temp tempopary file
/usr/bin install application
/usr/share application supported
/home personal files
/root admin files

application conservation

xsltproc file -o file.html xml file convert into html

kali linux books

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