
Google Map

Google Map

Who add location on google map

1.Click on google map.
2.Click on contribute.
3.Click on add place.
4.Enter required details.
5.1 – enter place name
5.2 – select category
5.3 – enter address
5.4 Point location
6. Add more details. Ex – opning hours, contact, about, photos.
7.Click on submit.

Who can embed map on website , blogger and any other place .

1. Open google map.
2. Click on share and embed map.
3. Copy link or share map.
*Embed map* on embed a map. size of map.
6. Copy html code.
7. Insert html code in your website or blogger.

Who can share live location.

1. Open google map.
2. Click on location sharing.

Add your business in google map.

1. Open google map.
2. Create google business account.
3. Crate profile
4. Enter business name.
5. select business category.
6. Enter location details.
7. Enter address of business.
8. Enter another details.
9. Submit details.
10. It approve or not send on your mail in few days.

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